Akash Kumbar

Hi There!!


I’m Akash Kumbar and I’m passionate about exploring the world of AI, robotics and computer vision. My ultimate goal is to become a researcher in these domains and make a significant contribution to their evolution.

I love technology and I’m always eager to learn and grow. I consider myself a fast learner and I thrive on the challenge of developing new skills. I believe that with my dynamic approach to development, I can achieve my goals and become a leading expert in these exciting fields.

I’m fascinated by the domain of AI, robotics and computer innovation and the innovation that comes with it. I’m determined to make a meaningful contribution to the world of technology and be part of shaping the future of these industries.


Aug 8, 2023 ASUR3D, my work on neural implicit representation based point cloud upsampling accepted at ICCVW-2023
Aug 7, 2023 TP-NoDE, my work on topology aware point cloud upsampling accepted at ICCVW-2023
Mar 26, 2023 New Website Launched: Join me on my Journey in the World of AI, Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, AR/VR/XR
Jan 15, 2016 A simple inline announcement with Markdown emoji! :sparkles: :smile: